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Custom Designed

Single-Stream Recycling Systems

Recycling System

Having built some of the most efficient single-stream recycling systems for Recovery Facilities in North America and the United Kingdom, Machinex has a well-established reputation in sorting systems. Sorting methods for recyclable materials evolve quickly, and we make sure to always offer our customers cutting-edge technology to optimize their operations.

Systèmes de tri - Collecte sélective - Intro

Residential and Commercial Single-stream Recycling Solutions

We provide solutions for both residential and commercial single-stream recycling collection that can be either stand-alone systems or within the same facility. Whether you need a new system, a retrofit or a major upgrade, Machinex has the expertise to provide a system that respects your budget while combining the needs of today with the visions of tomorrow.

Our solutions are always custom-engineered to maximize output based on specific needs, such as throughput, level of manpower, and available floor space.

High output and recycling purity levels remain the keys to success in the process of single-stream recycling. We understand the daily challenges that recycling plant managers face, which is why we offer aggressive efficiency and purity performance guarantees.

Single-Stream Systems Upgrade

Why upgrade your recycling facility? As your tonnage increases, materials change, and your equipment becomes obsolete in your single-stream recycling system, new sorting technologies can help you increase your productivity. Hence, upgrading your sorting center becomes a necessity. Machinex provides a wide range of equipment that can be integrated into an existing single-stream recycling facility to improve efficiency.

As recognized and well-known experts in high-performance solutions for sorting centers, we have mastered the process of inserting new equipment into existing waste recycling plants. Our designers are highly qualified to find innovative solutions to meet your expectations and your budget.

Highlights &

Systèmes de tri - Collecte sélective - Avantages
  1. Custom Designed
  2. Highest Material Purity and Recovery
  3. Easy Maintenance
  4. Full Line of Glass Treatment

Interested in Visiting a State-of-the-art Machinex MRF Virtually?

Systèmes de tri - visite virtuelle

Over the years, we have developed a wide range of Single-stream recycling equipment that meets the needs of such a facility, including Optical Sorters, Sorting Robots, Ballistic Separators, OCC Disc Screens, and Balers.

MACH Hyspec® – Optical Sorters

Using a High-speed Hyperspectral Detection System, the MACH Hyspec® can sort different types of material within a Single-stream Recycling System, such as plastics (PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, etc.), metal, and fiber products. Processing a high volume of material with great efficiency, this technology allows for a significant reduction in labor costs.

Trieur optique MACH Hyspec

SamurAI™ – Sorting Robots

This adaptive Sorting Robot employs superior Artificial Intelligence technology to identify materials for accurate, positive product recovery or precise quality control within a Single-stream Recycling Process. It is a great investment for MRF operators as they not only reduce the amount of labor that is needed but also help to manage labor safety and HR costs.

Robot trieur SamurAI

MACH Ballistic Separators

Designed for sorting 2D materials from 3D materials with the capacity to remove small fraction, the MACH Ballistic Separator is versatile without the problem of wrapping! Contrary to popular belief, the MACH Ballistic Separators do a better job than traditional ONP and finishing screens and are very effective in several types of material streams, including single-stream recycling. Interesting benefits for the MRF operators include increased material quality, reduced operating and maintenance costs, and easy and safe maintenance.

Séparateur MACH Ballistic

MACH OCC Disc Screen

The OCC screen is one of the first pieces of equipment within a single-stream recycling system that receives bulk material. Machinex OCC Screens have been redesigned and now require less maintenance with the larger, square-shaped shafts preventing any wrapping that may take place. MRF operators will not only experience major savings in time and money, but they will also notice an improvement in the final product quality of their cardboard. The MACH OCC Disc Screen can be retrofitted into any system.

Cribles à cartons Mach OCC

High-capacity Horizontal Balers

Machinex designs and manufactures Single-ram and II-ram High-capacity balers to help streamline operations as Single-stream Systems. They offer profitable design features that are optional depending on the model, such as the exclusive pre-fill valve. This device sets Machinex apart by offering a faster dry cycle time, exceeding up to 2.7 times the speed obtained by the balers available on the market and resulting in a significant reduction in energy consumption.

Presses haute capacité

ECO MRF Model:


The MRF for Up to 12 Tons per Hour

Machinex has created the ECO MRF for smaller recycling needs of 12 tons per hour or less of commingled material from single-stream collection.

The Machinex ECO MRF can obtain excellent material purity by combining the most advanced sorting technologies available, such as disc screens, ballistic separators, and magnets. Even though the system is economical and compact, the end results are marketable commodities that generate revenue.



Case studies

Sherbourne Recycling - 47.5 TPH
Coventry, Royaume-Uni - 2023

Learn more